Claim your copy of Multifamily Freedom Hacking today & get OVER $1,288 of Bonus Content… FREE!

If you've been wanting to get started investing in real estate but are caught up in a never-ending cycle of analysis paralysis and failure to launch, all the while the voice in your head keeps screaming...

“I just want to know how to get started!”

Then this is your ticket to get unstuck…

Claim your digital copy of Multifamily Freedom Hacking & BONUS content today!

Now available for instant digital download!

Order your digital copy today for only $4.97!

Plus get 6 amazing bonuses free

  Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee. You'll love the book or we'll give you your money back AND let you keep your copy.

Our new book will show you exactly how we’re leveraging our unique multifamily strategies to acquire cash-flowing multifamily properties every year…

  • Without ever setting foot inside a single property…
  • Without sacrificing personal time, family time, or weekends…
  • And while never risking a giant pile of cash to do it.

It’s our proven and complete roadmap to YOUR FIRST Multifamily deal – and far beyond – THAT CAN BE YOURS for less than the cost of a single latte.

And the best part? It’s the perfect, tried, and tested system for ALL Multifamily beginners.

"So, what's the big deal with Multifamily Real Estate?"

Look, many of our students come to us after learning – the hard way – that most paths into investing in single family homes (SFH)...

Are nothing more than full-time jobs with never-ending, grind, hustle, and stress...

Where, more often than not...

the returns are somewhere between paltry and abysmal – and where losses are all-too-frequent.

If you've been there; done that, we have fantastic news…

It really doesn't have to be that way!

Listen, there’s an ugly truth that you may be familiar with – first hand – but that most “real estate investors” are in complete denial over…

Investing in single family homes, whether you’re brand new or have been grinding at it for years, is…

  • Way too slow
  • Way too much work for way too little return, and..
  • Almost absurdly risky when compared to the alternative.
If you’re brand new to real estate investing (REI), you may be shocked to hear this. But, not to worry… Stick around and we’ll show you a better way!

Hey, Freedom Hacker – we’re Jen & Stacy Conkey, and before we go any further, there’s something you need to know…

There’s a once-in-a-generation opportunity happening right in front of you – RIGHT NOW – that savvy real estate investors are leveraging to realize the returns YOU’VE been dreaming of…

Without sticking their necks out to do it…

And you may not even know about it! 

Simply put…

There has never been a better time to invest in APARTMENTS

than TODAY!

And before you reach the end of this page, we’ll let you know exactly why…

And how you, REGARDLESS OF YOUR BACKGROUND, can capitalize on this once-in-a-generation gold rush.

It may be easier than you think.

Before we get to that…

What is multifamily freedom hacking?

Multifamily Freedom Hacking is our exact, proven system, not just for acquiring multifamily real estate... But by doing so in a way that affords us – and our students – a life of location & time freedomright from day one, as we rocket towards financial freedom!

After grinding away at SFH’s – possibly for years on-end, We can hear you asking, “how is that even possible?”

It all comes down to a simple principle that no one is really talking about. It’s called the Law of the First Deal.

This law states, from the time you close on your first MULTIFAMILY deal – of any size – you’re as little as 1 - 2 years away from financial freedom...

And in Multifamily Freedom Hacking, we show you our foolproof blueprint to nail down that first deal in record time and then scale, rapidly, to your dream life...

And how to implement our unique strategies so you may also enjoy location and time freedom along the journey!

To do that, we focus on 3 distinct areas to help you build a successful business... Take a look:

#1: SYSTEMS – While most systems give you the basic “how to’s” of investing, they lack any secret sauce and leave you hungry for more. We do things differently...

Multifamily Freedom Hacking reveals our unique strategies and how to correctly implement them so you may enjoy location and time freedom on your journey to financial freedom. So, how do we do it?

Our Remote Investing and Team Building strategies...

With remote investing, you can lock up deals in any performing market, anywhere in the United States... From anywhere in the world!

And when you know how to build the right team, you’ll be freed up to focus on what matters most... Building your business while your team handles the busywork. 

To be clear, we’re not talking about hiring a bunch of VA’s... We’re talking about recruiting top-notch professionals who will be eager to get you the results you’re after. And you don’t even have to pay them until you’re in a deal... Sweet!

Bottom line… If you have 10 hours a week, you can achieve total freedom with Multifamily Freedom Hacking.

#2: FUNDING – The number one question we get asked by aspiring multifamily investors is, "how do I fund the deals I find?!"

In Multifamily Freedom Hacking we reveal numerous strategies for funding your deals. While many strategies involve conventional financing, some show you how to leverage JVs (Joint Ventures) to get the cash and credit you need to make your deals work.

While you'll have many more deals available to you when you're able to put skin in the game, don't let the lack of a giant wad of cash limit you from getting started!

Bottom line... UNLIMITED CAPITAL; It's all about OPM (Other People's Money)!

#3: NETWORK – Look, real estate investing is a people business. Despite the fanciful image of the rebel who can go it alone, the truth is that's just not reality...

To get into your first deal, you're likely going to need a JV partner... And to scale, you'll definitely need partners!

When you have access to a solid network of like-minded and similarly trained multifamily investors on your side, you'll be unstoppable.

Bottom line... Networking - and belonging to the RIGHT network - IS the teamwork that makes the dream work!

Using this exact blueprint, last year ALONE we acquired 1,217 doors in 4 markets we never set foot in – all cash flowing multifamily properties...

100% without syndication – or complicated software platforms.

We simultaneously coached and mentored over 200 first time multifamily real estate investors into their first deals... And we helped dozens more scale into much larger deals.

All while raising 4 kids...

And homeschooling them!

No other trainers in the Multifamily space have done anything remotely similar... And it’s not even close.

Dear friend, THIS is freedom!

Freedom like this can be yours, too, when you have the right system in place...

And Multifamily Freedom Hacking lays out the exact system you need, from A to Z!

your book purchase includes

The Law Of The First Deal

A printable, visual roadmap that will guide you along the steps you’ll take on your journey to your first multifamily deal.

Forged By Fire Student Hot Seats (3x)

OH, YES WE DID! We asked a few of our newer students, who were quick to score BIG wins, if they would be willing to let us grill them on the specifics of how they did it! Here's your chance to grab your ringside seat as we pick the brains of some of our most successful students... These guys are only a few months ahead of you! Over 3.5 hours of pure value!

Go Behind-The-Deal | Real Life Deal Breakdowns (3x)

Breakdowns of actual deals and how they came together. From negotiations... To executed agreement... To due diligence, finding partners and funding... All the way through the closing table. It’s pure fly-on-the-wall insights into deals that recently happened in the real world!

Zero-To-Hero Student Case Studies (5x)

Watch as we interview our students about their experience with our training & mentorship, so far. We have students that have achieved astounding results... And you can, too!

Deal Funding Dynamics

So, you found a deal... Now what? Whether your deal is performing, or value-add, there's a dynamic that takes place with the way money flows through the deal. Having this 14-page guide will answer every "what's next?" question you'll have along the way. Truly an invaluable "peace of mind" resource you'll return to again and again!

The MIFGE (Most Incredible Free Gift Ever)!

We take you deep into learning with companion videos of every major concept in Multifamily Freedom Hacking. With in-depth analysis of these multifamily investing principles, you'll learn better, retain more, and implement faster. This bonus, alone, is worth more than a $997 course!

Get it all today for just $4.97!

Claim your copy today...
For a limited time only, you can get Multifamily Freedom Hacking for only $4.97… And get all the BONUSES above for FREE!

  Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee.

OK, sounds great... But who are YOU?

OK, we know that sounds great, and all... Still, you may be wondering who we are and how we got here...

When we started investing in real estate in 2003, we were both working in Corporate America where long hours were the norm and time was a premium.

In even shorter supply were educators & mentors in the Multifamily space…

YouTube wasn’t even a "thing" – like, it truly didn’t even exist yet!

And the late night TV infomercial gurus were "all about" single family homes.

But we knew – right from the outset – that the surest, safest, quickest (dare we say, "easiest??") path to freedom was through investing in multifamily properties.

And when you think about it, it just makes sense!

Whether you're pursuing SFH's or Multifamily Properties...

  • You still have to find a performing market...
  • ​You still have to analyze properties to see if they’re “deals” or not...
  • ​You still have to negotiate an offer...
  • ​You still have to draw up the paperwork...
  • ​You still have to perform your due diligence...
  • ​You still have to line up the resources to fund your deal...
  • ​And you still have to make it to the closing table and take possession.

The "work" involved is practically identical!

But there are some unique advantages in Multifamily that no one’s really talking about – and they’re HUGE...

More on that in a bit.

Lacking any meaningful guidance from experienced multifamily investors, we had to slice and dice our way through the challenges and setbacks...

Pioneering our groundbreaking Remote Multifamily Investing System along the way...

And through years of testing and retesting our system to perfection...

The Remote Multifamily Investing Academy was born with Multifamily Freedom Hacking as its backbone!

So, that was then. Fast forward to today and...

Here's the real problem - for YOU...

Getting started is much worse than just a lack of mentors, like back when we started...

Now, there is simply TOO MUCH information available – it’s all right at your fingertips...

And, sadly, most of it isn’t very good – not even the really expensive programs & coaching.

So you’re left with endless, seemingly unanswerable questions swirling in your head...

Which leads to confusion, analysis paralysis, and ultimately INACTION!

This is why people come to us with this 9-word plea over and over again...

"I just want to know how to get started!"

So while our competitors (and maybe even you) are floundering to create any meaningful traction to get that first multifamily deal done...

Our students are closing on their first deals faster than a prairie fire with a tailwind!

And we're changing lives because we've crafted a system that is simple and effective... IT.JUST.PLAIN.WORKS!

And that energizes us… And makes us want to change more lives...

It makes us want to change YOUR Life!

So, after 3 years of working in the trenches with our students to get them the same results we’ve personally been seeing for nearly 2 decades...

We decided it was time to invade the student vault...

And pull out the most succinct & actionable content we’ve ever produced...

And put it into the pages of this 212 page masterpiece which reveals our entire process, in meticulous detail, called:

Multifamily Freedom Hacking

Your Playbook To Unlock Long-Term Cash Flow From Multifamily Rental Properties…

Multifamily Freedom Hacking isn’t one of those “books” that are little more than program-bait or a webinar-in-print... This is a real book with real, actionable content from cover-to-cover!

Inside, we’ll share with you exactly what it takes to get into your first multifamily deal... Then scale to the moon, and back.

If you’re sick of limitations inherent in investing in SFHs... And you’d like to nail down that first multifamily deal, without enduring the hurdles and pitfalls most first time multifamily investors WILL face... This book is for you!

Order YOUR digital copy today for only $4.97!

Plus get 6 amazing bonuses free

  Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee.

In a moment, we'll share with you everything you'll get when you order today...

But first, you may be wondering if Multifamily Freedom Hacking – and investing in multifamily properties – is right for you?

This is a MUST-READ for you...

  • If you’ve been beaten down by growing your monthly cash flow, netting a measly $50 per door, one deal at a time...
  • ​If you’re sick of insulting sellers with lowball offers that even make you cringe just to present them...
  • ​If you’re fed up with averaging $25k per flip after risking $10’s of thousands – or even $100’s of thousands to do it...
  • ​If you’re over and done with getting beaten to the deal by large, institutional investment groups...
  • ​If going out-of-pocket to cover debt service when vacancies occur in your SFH rentals are taxing your family’s personal financial well-being...
  • ​If cost overruns on your flips are causing you to lose sleep...
  • ​If building a $warchest$ to meet the needs of future repairs seems next to impossible with the dismal cash flow you’ve been realizing...
  • ​If even the thought of a vacancy puts your stomach in knots...
  • ​If you ever worry about whether your 401k is going to hold up when it's time to retire...
  • ​If you're not sure social security is going to be there for you like it was for your parents...
  • ​If you are ready to start having extra cash flow to enjoy life more with...
  • ​If you want to start building cash flowing assets to provide for your family when you're gone...
  • ​If you are tired of wishing and just want to get moving...
  • ​If you're tired of knowing real estate is the way to build wealth but just don't know how to do it...
  • ​If you are simply looking to diversify and expand your revenue streams...
  • ​If you're tired of guessing how to invest in multifamily and are ready for a system...

Then it’s time for you to start investing in multifamily properties... And Multifamily Freedom Hacking will show you the right way to get started!

When you order the book and take advantage of all the incredible BONUS content we have assembled for you...

And join our FREE community of like-minded multifamily investors – of every skill level – you’ll find yourself in amazing company...

We have Academy students crushing their goals with our Multifamily Freedom Hacking System that are from a diverse array of real estate investing backgrounds, such as...

  • ​Wholesaling
  • ​Flipping
  • ​Lease Options
  • ​Subject To
  • ​AirBnB/VRBO/STRs
  • ​Long-Term Rentals
  • ​REITs
  • ​REIGs
  • ​Tax Liens
  • ​Foreclosures
  • ​And more

We also have students that come to us who are new to active investing, but have backgrounds in related fields, like...

  • ​Realtors®/Agents/Brokers
  • ​Mortgage Brokers
  • Home Inspectors
  • ​General Contractors
  • ​Credit Repair Specialists
  • ​Private & Hard Money Lenders

As well as complete newbies from just some of the following fields...

  • ​Doctors, Nurses, and PAs
  • ​Active & Former Military
  • Accountants & CPAs
  • ​School Teachers
  • ​Gig Economy workers
  • ​And many, many others

And now WE WANT TO HELP YOU start the journey towards a life of location, time, and financial freedom through Multifamily Freedom Hacking!

Claim your digital copy today...

Multifamily Freedom Hacking isn’t one of those “books” that are little more than program-bait or a webinar-in-print... This is a real book with real, actionable content from cover-to-cover!

Inside, we’ll share with you exactly what it takes to get into your first multifamily deal... Then scale to the moon, and back.

If you’re sick of limitations inherent in investing in SFHs... And you’d like to nail down that first multifamily deal, without enduring the hurdles and pitfalls most first time multifamily investors WILL face... This book is for you!

Now available for instant download

  Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee.

When you order your copy today, here's just a small sample of what you'll discover...

Between the covers of Multifamily Freedom Hacking we’ll share exactly what we’re doing RIGHT NOW to train our students.

Here’s a sneak peek…

Part 1: The Starting Line

  • Page #23: Learn the perfect sweet spot for investors looking to build wealth and generate passive income without being overwhelmed by the complexities of larger commercial properties...
  • Page #29: Financial freedom isn't enough! Learn what it means to truly have location freedom and time freedom as you build your portfolio on your road to financial freedom...
  • Page: #35: Check your score on our 7-point self-assessment to discover what may be keeping you from the success you've been dreaming about. Then, based on your answers, you'll get a customized action plan...
  • P​age #36: Learn what to do when you're missing the required fundamentals for long-term success.

Part 2: Multifamily Mindset

  • Pages #41-50: Discover the 5 reasons why people quit and what to do so you don't fall prey, stay the course, and achieve the dream life you so richly deserve...
  • Page #56: Learn the secret to multifamily investing success. It's likely not what you think...
  • Page #60: What giving your future self a gift looks like...
  • Pages #67-69: Learn how to chunk your activities in weeks 1 through 12 to your first multifamily deal...
  • Page #71: Check your score on our 7-point self-assessment to discover where you stand with a Warrior's Mindset. Based on your score, we'll provide a customized action plan to get you on-track - and keep you there on your journey to success.

Part 3: Residential vs. Commercial

  • Page #75: Discover the 2 different types of multifamily real estate and learn which is right for you...
  • Page #76: Learn the pros of residential multifamily and how they're strikingly similar to something you're likely already quite familiar with...
  • Page #77: The counterintuitive cons of residential multifamily and how THIS could be an anchor on your dreams...
  • Page #79: You'll find out how the pros of commercial multifamily may be the high speed ticket to your own personal fortune...
  • Pages #80-81: And how the cons of commercial multifamily could make deciding which path is right for you that much easier...
  • Page #89: Learn the 2 primary strategies for investing in multifamily properties of any size and how to gain clarity to ignite your deal flow...
  • Page #95: How to maximize Net Operating Income (NOI) just by playing with numbers...
  • Page #97: How multifamily investing is just like playing Monopoly - only the money is real and you get to put it in the bank...
  • Page #98: Why BRRRs are the hottest thing since a hot shower on a sunburn...
  • Page #105: The simplest place to start with the highest speed to cash flow is...
  • Page #119: Check your score on our 7-point self-assessment to discover your investment readiness. With your score in-hand, we'll guide you on your next steps to multifamily freedom!

Part 4: Capitalizing Your Multifamily Dreams

  • Page #124: Is keeping with traditional in your best interest? Learn the pros and cons of conventional financing...
  • Page #125: Hard Money may be easier than you think - what it really depends on...
  • Page: #130: Learn to speak the language of money - a comprehensive guide to mastery...
  • P​age #141: The 11 questions you must ask and have answered when interviewing potential lenders for your deals. Failure to gather this information will prevent accurate deal assessment and could kill a deal in its tracks...
  • Page #144: What having a funding mindset means to your success - and how to get it...
  • Page #151: What is a JV and how to leverage them to scale...
  • Page #153: The #1 thing to AVOID if you've never done a multifamily deal - even if your uncle says it's all-good...
  • Page #159: Check your score on our 7-point self-assessment to discover your funding readiness. Based on your score, we'll lay out the exact next steps for you to take to achieve long-term success and killer cash flow!

Part 5: Multifamily Without Borders

  • Page #162: Discover the opposite of freedom when investing in real estate...
  • Page #165: Learn what to do instead...
  • Page #168: Dispelling myths in your own backyard...
  • Page #170: A framework for true freedom in multifamily real estate investing...
  • Page #176: How to practice your way to competency and confidence without risking a cent...
  • Page #183: The limits of DIY and what you absolutely must do instead, if you ever want a life of freedom while building a multi-million dollar portfolio of multifamily investments...
  • Page #187: Check your score on our 7-point self-assessment to discover if you're ready to lead a remote team, live the Multifamily Freedom Hacking way, and achieve the life of your dreams. Based on your score we'll make suggestions to get you up-to-speed in no time, flat, so you can experience the freedom we designed for you!


  • Page #191: Understanding "proximity is power" and how to leverage this concept to your first big win in record time...
  • Page #193: What we want FOR you next...
  • Page #198: How to get more help.

Claim your digital copy today...

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of Multifamily Freedom Hacking for a one-time investment of only $4.97.

And this incredibly valuable BONUS package will not be around for long… So act now!

Now available for instant download

  Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee.

Now, we know you’ve been itching to know…

What’s the scoop with this once-in-a-generation land rush, AMIRITE?

Here’s the deal...

Financing a commercial property is not the same as financing a residential property. When a mortgage is taken out for a commercial property, the loan can be amortized for UP TO 25 years...

BUT... And it’s a BIG BUT...

The term of the loan will only be 5-10 years.

So, let’s think about that for a second... What were interest rates like 5 years ago? And what are they looking like today?

Deals that "worked" when interest rates were 2 - 3% will make absolutely no financial sense when you have to refinance a balloon at 7+%.

There are THOUSANDS of multifamily properties approaching a date with doom and there's next to nothing that can be done to stop it.

When current commercial property owners find themselves facing negative cash flow on what were previously their cash cows, they’re going to be letting those properties go...

Either voluntarily at a loss... Or by foreclosure!

When you are armed with the skills taught in Multifamily Freedom Hacking, you will be in the catbird seat to cash in on these amazing opportunities that are already starting to make their appearance in the Multifamily Marketplace.

Isn’t it time for you to profit from the coming land rush?

What are others saying about Multifamily Freedom Hacking?

"If we don't do this now, we're never going to do it and we're going to be stuck figuring it out... JUST DO IT!" - Andy & Maureen Borses

"Jen & Stacy helped me get 10 units within 4 months..." - Loni Boulet

"Jen & Stacy helped me get my first 5 doors in remote investing... With $27,000 in annual cash flow and $98,000 in equity in just 7 months!" - Denise Curtis

"... I have a very busy full-time job and my own business on the side... And now I invest in real estate... And I got my first 2 deals done within 90 days!" - Kaycie Roberts

"Jen & Stacy helped me get 32 doors in 4 months, no joke!" - Brad Bunin

As you can see...

Multifamily Freedom Hacking has already helped countless beginners finally get that “I just want to know how to get started!” monkey off their backs forever…

Are YOU next?

Claim your digital copy today...

Multifamily Freedom Hacking isn’t one of those “books” that are little more than program-bait or a webinar-in-print... This is a real book with real, actionable content from cover-to-cover!

Inside, we’ll share with you exactly what it takes to get into your first multifamily deal... Then scale to the moon, and back.

If you’re sick of limitations inherent in investing in SFHs... And you’d like to nail down that first multifamily deal, without enduring the hurdles and pitfalls most first time multifamily investors WILL face... This book is for you!

  Plus get 6 ridiculously valuable bonuses FREE!

  Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee.

Claim your digital copy NOW and get these amazing BONUSES... FREE!

Bonus #1: The law of your first deal

"A simplified roadmap to getting into action and completing your first deal in record time!"

True market value: $47

A printable, visual roadmap that will guide you along the steps you’ll take on your journey to your first multifamily deal...

Get this FREE when you claim your copy of multifamily freedom hacking TODAY! 

Bonus #2: Forged By Fire Student Hot Seats (3x)

"Like case studies on steroids!"

True market value: $147

OH, YES WE DID! We asked a few of our newer students, who were quick to score BIG wins, if they would be willing to let us grill them on the specifics of how they did it! Here's your chance to grab your ringside seat as we pick the brains of some of our most successful students... These guys are only a few months ahead of you! Over 3.5 hours of pure value!

Get this FREE when you claim your copy of multifamily freedom hacking TODAY! 

Bonus #3: Go Behind-The-Deal With Real Life Deal Breakdowns (3x)

"If you've ever wanted to see actual deals come together, from start to finish, this will be invaluable to you!"

True market value: $PRICELESS

Breakdowns of actual deals and how they came together. From negotiations... To executed agreement... To due diligence... Finding partners... And funding... All the way through the closing table. It’s pure fly-on-the-wall insights into deals that recently happened in the real world!

Get this FREE when you claim your copy of multifamily freedom hacking TODAY! 

Bonus #4: Zero-To-Hero Student Case Studies (5x)

"Take a peek behind the curtain to see what it looks like when coaching JUST.PLAIN.WORKS!"

True market value: $PRICELESS

Watch as we interview our students about their experience with our training & mentorship, so far. We have students that have achieved astounding results... And you can, too!

Get this FREE when you claim your copy of multifamily freedom hacking TODAY! 

Bonus #5: deal funding dynamics

"brand new & unreleased to the public. This e-Book will give you insight into how money flows through a deal!"

True market value: $97

So, you found a deal... Now what? Whether your deal is performing, or value-add, there's a dynamic that takes place with the way money flows through the deal. Having this 14-page guide will answer every "what's next?" question you'll have along the way. Truly an invaluable "peace of mind" resource you'll return to again and again!

Get this FREE when you claim your copy of multifamily freedom hacking TODAY! 

Bonus #6: The MIFGE (most incredible free gift ever)!

"We may have lost our minds by including this, But we want you to WIN... and WIN sooner than later!"

True market value: $997+

We take you deep into learning with companion videos of every major concept in Multifamily Freedom Hacking. With in-depth analysis of these multifamily investing principles, you'll learn better, retain more, and implement faster. This bonus, alone, is worth more than a $997 course!

Get this FREE when you claim your copy of multifamily freedom hacking TODAY! 

Still with us? AWESOME! 😀

Here’s your chance, once again, to download your copy of Multifamily Freedom Hacking for a one-time investment of only $4.97.

And this incredibly valuable BONUS package will not be around for long... So act now!

Now available for instant download

  Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee.

At this point, we’re sure you’re wondering…

“What’s so great about investing in multifamily properties, anyway?!”

We feel you. It’s a great question... Especially if your only real estate investing experience has been on the single family side of things.

Listen, we’ve already addressed many of the pitfalls and pain points inherent with investing in SFHs, so what’s the bright side of investing in MFRE?

Truthfully, there are numerous advantages to investing in multifamily real estate over SFHs. Here are just OUR TOP-THREE.

Let’s take a look...

#1: You have multiple income streams...

  • With single family homes, you have less cash flow coming in. Less cash flow equals higher risk. If one tenant moves out, you’re left holding the bag for all the property expenses and the mortgage... That’s gotta come out of your paycheck!
  • With a multifamily property, if one tenant moves out – it’s a bummer – but you’ll still have income from the rents of the other tenants. This means you’ll still be able to cover all the property expenses – and probably have a little left over.

#2: Economies of Scale...

  • With single family homes, it may not make $sense to hire a property manager... So you’ll be stuck with a full time job when you should be focusing on scaling your business. Also, if you want the cash flow from 30 doors, you’ll have to find, negotiate, fund/finance, and close 30 separate deals... OUCH!
  • When you invest in multifamily real estate, you can easily acquire 30 doors from a single due diligence period and closing! And when you order Multifamily Freedom Hacking – today – you’ll get our insider tips and tricks to building your team, including property managers, so you can put your energy into scaling your business... And achieving financial freedom significantly faster!

#3: Access to easier and better financing opportunities...

  • With single family homes, most buy and hold strategies involve 25% cash down, plus getting a traditional mortgage. Private money is much harder to come by due to what we discussed in #1, above – there’s only one income stream making SFHs risky for lenders. 
  • With MFRE and a network of like-minded investors, putting Joint Ventures (JVs) together is oftentimes as easy as striking up a conversation on a message board! Our Warriors of Wealth Network sees it happen day-in, and day-out...

What this means is, it’s possible for YOU to close on a multifamily deal you find & negotiate – without you having all the money yourself! Investors LOVE multifamily deals... Especially when they don’t have to do any of the legwork in the trenches, making them ideal JV partners.

We’ve covered a lot of ground together. And we’re willing to bet you’re wondering just one more thing...

"What's the catch?"

If Multifamily Freedom Hacking works so well… And the book + BONUSES on this page – valued at over $1,288 – truly gives you everything you need to nail down that first multifamily deal...

Why are we practically giving it away at only $4.97?

Here’s why:

Our goal with this book is for you to read it, love it, and eventually hire us to help you implement what’s inside.

There’s a saying in the mentorship space that goes, “if you want people to believe you can help them, then help them.” So we poured our hearts and souls into what you see here on this page.

Before this book, we had been training, mentoring, & coaching new multifamily investors for a long time. And during that time, we’ve learned some things...

One of those things is this:

When you give people a precise A - Z blueprint to success, about ⅓ of them will be able to do it (or nearly do it) completely on their own...

Another ⅓ will want more hands-on guidance, coaching, or mentorship…

And the final ⅓ will be a mix of the first two groups that will struggle with mindset and the belief that THEY can do it. It’s why we dedicate a solid portion of the book to the exact mindset needed to become a multifamily investing WARRIOR.

So, look, we’re cool either way... If you can do it on your own, you have our blessing...

And if you might need some help with implementation somewhere down the road, we’re always ready for your call.

"Time is of the essence..."

Sooner or later our accounting department is going to see the BONUSES on this page and put a lid on this offer... So what you see here today will not last long.

If you’re sick of the limitations of investing in SFHs, then there’s no better time than RIGHT NOW to claim your copy of Multifamily Freedom Hacking for only $4.97 – and you’ll get over $1,288 in what is really amazing & mind-blowing BONUS content at absolutely no additional cost…

But not for long.

And if you still need a nudge to forego your latte tomorrow morning and get Multifamily Freedom Hacking in its stead…

"Here is our unconditional money-back guarantee"

Simply email us at our customer service email address you’ll find on your emailed receipt and we’ll give you your money back, ASAP, no questions asked.

We 100% GUARANTEE that you’ll love our book, or we’ll return your $4.97 and let you keep the book and BONUS content as our way of saying, “we appreciate you giving it your best shot.”

You really can’t beat that, wouldn’t you agree? 😉

Here's EVERYTHING you get when you order our book, Multifamily Freedom Hacking, TODAY!

  • Multifamily Freedom Hacking Book Digital Download ($27.00 Value)
  • The Law Of The First Deal Printable Roadmap ($47.00 Value)
  • Go Behind The Deal, Fly-On-The-Wall REAL Breakdowns ($PRICELESS)
  • Deal Funding Dynamics, PDF Download ($97.00 Value)
  • (5x) Zero-To-Hero Student Case Studies ($PRICELESS)
  • ​(3x) Forged By Fire Student Hot Seats ($147.00 Value)
  • The MIFGE (Most Incredible Free Gift Ever)! ($997.00+ Value)

Total real market value: $1,315

Get everything on this page for...

Only $4.97!

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  Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee.

Thanks for sticking around & we know you'll absolutely love the book...

We also know you’ll remember this day forever... Because it was on this day that the trajectory of your real estate investing career changed for the better.

Let's get you that first big win, together!

PS: Remember – You’re just one deal away...

PPS: If you scrolled to the bottom (like Jen likes to do), then here’s the low-down...

We’re offering you access to our brand new book, Multifamily Freedom Hacking and over $1,288 in BONUS content for a one-time investment of only $4.97.

Inside, we’ll share with you exactly what it takes to get into your first multifamily deal... Then scale to the moon, and back…

Using the same exact system we used to acquire 1,217 doors last year, alone...

And that our Academy students are using to get into their first deals in record time.

The reason the book + BONUSES is only $4.97 is because we know you may want additional help implementing the strategies in the book... And we know that the best way for you to know we can help you, is to help you.

And if for some funky reason the book and BONUS content just doesn’t cut it for you, no worries... Just let us know and we’ll shoot you a prompt refund of your $4.97 and let you keep the book and BONUS content as our way of saying, “thanks for giving it your best shot.”

So click the big button below RIGHT NOW to claim your digital copy. We know you’re going to love it!

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Remember: these bonuses will NOT last long!

Get yours for ONLY $4.97!

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 Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee. You'll love the book or we'll give you your money back AND let you keep your copy + all the BONUS content.

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